The main topics covered in this class throughout the year are Digital Literacy and Citizenship and Web Literacy (including coding). Computer basics and productivity tools will be integrated throughout the curriculum. Coursework will align with ISTE’s NETS for Students (2016) as well as CCSS. Some of the tools and topics we may cover are listed below.
The class website (eChalk) is the learning management system used to deliver the curriculum. Students will use this everyday and are expected to become proficient with this tool.
1. PupilPath
2. Keyboarding
3. Digital Literacy and Citizenship
4. Web Literacy
5. Coding ( and Scratch Animation)
● Computer Basics (Terminology, Hardware, Software, Wireless etc.)
● Productivity Tools (Word Processing, Databases, Presentation Programs)
● Web 2.0 Tools
● G Suite - Create, Collaborate and Share Work. Serves as Digital Portfolio