The Student Bill of Rights serves as a guide for students as they strive to become productive citizens in a diverse society and may be found within the
New York City Department of Education.
I know that I have a right to:
- be in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment and bigotry;
- know what is appropriate behavior and what behaviors may result in disciplinary actions;
- be counseled by members of the professional staff in matters related to my behavior as it affects my education and welfare within the school;
- due process of law in instances of disciplinary action for alleged violations of school regulations for which I may be suspended or removed from class.
- come to school on time;
- appear for each of my classes at the start time, ready to begin work;
- be prepared with appropriate materials and assignments for all classes;
- show respect to all members of the learning community;
- resolve conflicts peacefully, and avoid fighting inside or outside of the school or at program sites;
- behave respectfully, without arguing, and cooperate when a staff member gives direction or makes a request.
- I understand that I will be given an opportunity to voice my concerns at an appropriate time if I do not agree with the request;
- take responsibility for my personal belongings and respect other people’s property;
- dress appropriately and do not wear any suggestive clothing including skinny tank-tops, midriffs, short-shorts, or mini-skirts;
- refrain from wearing clothes which have any signs of gang affiliation (e.g. scarves, bandanas) and refrain from using gang signs, calls, chants, movements, handshakes;
- refrain from bringing weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances and alcohol to school;
- refrain from bringing personal possessions that are disruptive (e.g., cell phone, beeper, pager) in school;
- share information with school officials that might affect the health, safety or welfare of the school community;
- keep my parents/guardians informed about school-related matters and make sure I give them any information sent home;
- follow all rules in the Discipline Code;
- behave responsibly as described in the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
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